Starting a business is hard. It requires tremendous sacrifice. Personal fortunes and financial stability are put on the line. Friendships are put at risk along with your own personal assets. It will take far more time and personal expenditure to manage your own business than the time you would spend working for somebody else. For all of these reasons, starting a small business may seem like a formidable task. This process is easier when you have a solid legal base to build your business upon. Clarior Law emphasizes in business law, particularly start-up services, and helps new businesses protect their assets so they can spend their time making money and avoid incessant worry about legal problems. An attorney that has experience starting their own business is an even more valuable asset, as they can relate to the endeavor of small business ownership and are not limited by a big firm mentality. There are many questions that need to be answered that are often not even initially considered by entrepreneurs wishing to start a business. Are you aware of the advantages and disadvantages to different business types? Would a sole proprietorship be best for your new business? If you are starting the business with somebody else, would a general partnership, or limited partnership be best for what you are trying to achieve? Would a Limited Liability Company (LLC) or a corporation be in the best interest of your small business? These are crucial questions that need answers prior to putting your fortune and reputation on the line. An attorney that specializes in business start-ups law can make this undertaking easier. Not only does legal expertise make starting a business easier, it is an absolute necessity if you intend to protect your small business. Setting up a business with established confidentiality agreements, employment contract manuals, and operating agreements/bylaws can protect your business during the beginning stages of small business ownership.